Thursday, 2 May 2013

Syllabus Economic Environment of India

Distance Education Syllabus


Chapter 1. World Economic Development and Emergence of India as an Economic Power
·         National Income and GDP growth rate. Top ten economic powers of the world.
·         Top ten countries in terms of total GDP and top ten countries with high growth rate of GDP.
·         Human Development Index and Quality of Life
·         Factors promoting Growth – role of Political, Social, Economic and other Environmental Factors in Development.
·         FDI Inflows to India and other major countries
·         Emergence of India as a   Major Economic Power
Chapter 2. India’s Growth Strategy and the Role of Economic Planning
·         Objectives of Planning and  role of the Planning Commission
·         Strategies of growth in different Five Year Plans
·         Role of the Public Sector Enterprises
·         Growth from the First to Eleventh Five Year Plans
·         Planning Strategies in Tenth, Eleventh and Twelve Five Year Plans
·         Future Role of Planning in India.

Chapter 3.India Since Economic Liberalization, 1991        
·         Globalization, Liberalization and Privatization
·         Need for Economic Liberalization
·         Impact of Economic liberalization on Indian Economy
·         Rationale for Disinvestment and Privatization.

Chapter 4. Sectoral Growth Opportunities in India
·         Growth in the Agriculture Sector
·         Growth in the Industrial Sector
·         Growth in the Service Sector

Chapter 5. Monetary, Fiscal and Export-Import Policies
·         The Budgetary Process in the Federal Structure
·         The Central Budget and its importance in Economic Policies
·         Monetary Policy and the role of the Reserve Bank
·         The Fiscal Policy and the role of the Ministry of Finance
·         Deficit Financing-the Budgetary Deficit and Fiscal Deficit
·         Financing  of Development Programmes
·         Export-Import Policy

Chapter  6. The Financial System in India and Integration with the Global Economic System
·         The Banking Sector
·         The Insurance Sector
·         The Non-Banking Sector
·         The Stock- Market
·         Role of Foreign Companies in the Financial Sector.

Chapter 7. India and International Economic Institutions
·         Role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
·         Role of the World Bank (IBRD)
·         Role of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
·         Multilateral Trade and Regional Blocs
·         Role of the Transnational Corporations (MNCs)

Chapter 8. Public Finance in India
·         Three Tiers of governance in India
·         Devolution of Powers-the Panchayati Raj
·         Devolution of Financial Powers
·         Public Finance and Private Finance
·         Taxation Principles and Raising of Public Resources
·         Accountability of the Government and the role of the Comptroller & Auditor General.

Chapter 9. Public- Private Partnership (PPP)
·         Limitations of Government resources and capacity
·         Rationale of Government-Corporate Cooperation
·         The World Trend in PPP
·         A few successful PPPs

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