Distance Education Syllabus
Chapter 1. World Economic Development and Emergence of
as an Economic Power
National Income and GDP growth rate. Top ten
economic powers of the world.
Top ten countries in terms of total GDP and top
ten countries with high growth rate of GDP.
Human Development Index and Quality of Life
Factors promoting Growth – role of Political,
Social, Economic and other Environmental Factors in Development.
FDI Inflows to India and other major countries
Emergence of India as a Major Economic Power
Chapter 2. India’s Growth Strategy and the Role of
Economic Planning
Objectives of Planning and role of the Planning Commission
Strategies of growth in different Five Year
Role of the Public Sector Enterprises
Growth from the First to Eleventh Five Year
Planning Strategies in Tenth, Eleventh and
Twelve Five Year Plans
Future Role of Planning in India.
Chapter 3.India Since Economic Liberalization, 1991
Globalization, Liberalization and Privatization
Need for Economic Liberalization
Impact of Economic liberalization on Indian
Rationale for Disinvestment and Privatization.
Chapter 4. Sectoral Growth Opportunities in India
Growth in the Agriculture Sector
Growth in the Industrial Sector
Growth in the Service Sector
Chapter 5. Monetary, Fiscal and Export-Import Policies
The Budgetary Process in the Federal Structure
The Central Budget and its importance in
Economic Policies
Monetary Policy and the role of the Reserve Bank
The Fiscal Policy and the role of the Ministry
of Finance
Deficit Financing-the Budgetary Deficit and
Fiscal Deficit
of Development Programmes
Export-Import Policy
Chapter 6. The
Financial System in India
and Integration with the Global Economic System
The Banking Sector
The Insurance Sector
The Non-Banking Sector
The Stock- Market
Role of Foreign Companies in the Financial
Chapter 7. India and International Economic
Role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Role of the World Bank (IBRD)
Role of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
Multilateral Trade and Regional Blocs
Role of the Transnational Corporations (MNCs)
Chapter 8. Public Finance in India
Three Tiers of governance in India
Devolution of Powers-the Panchayati Raj
Devolution of Financial Powers
Public Finance and Private Finance
Taxation Principles and Raising of Public Resources
Accountability of the Government and the role of
the Comptroller & Auditor General.
Chapter 9. Public- Private Partnership (PPP)
Limitations of Government resources and capacity
Rationale of Government-Corporate Cooperation
The World Trend in PPP
A few successful PPPs
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