KKH University Distance
Education MA Political Science Syllabus
for M.A. Programme in Political Science
1st Semester:
Paper I:
Political Theory
Unit 1: Nature
and Significance of Political Theory
Unit 2: The
Concept of Ideology and End of Ideology debate
Unit 3:
Liberalism: Neo-Liberalism, Libertarianism, Communitarianism
Unit 4:
Capitalism: Class Perspective- Karl Marx, Lenin ; Hegemonic
Antonio Gramsci; Reformist Perspective- J.M.Keynes
Unit 5:
Concept of Justice and diverse Perspectives on Justice (Liberal Perspective-
Rawls’ Theory
of Justice; Feminist and Subaltern perspectives)
Unit 6: The
Concept of Democracy: Liberal Democracy; Contemporary
Theories of
Democracy: Elitist, Pluralist, Participatory
Marxist Theory
Arora, N.D. &
Awasthi, S.S. : Political Theory, Har-anand Publications Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2007
Neera : State and Civil Society – Explorations in Political Theory,
Sage, New Delhi, 1995
Francis: The End of History and the Last Man, Penguin Hamondsworth, 1992
Gauba, O.P.: An
Introduction to Political Theory, Macmillan, Delhi, 2007
Andrew: Political Theory-An Introduction, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004
Johari, J.C.: Contemporary
Political Theory-New Dimensions, Basic Concepts band Major Trends, Sterling
Publishers Private Limited, New Delhi
Sudipta and Khilani, Sunil (ed.): Civil Society-History and Possibilities,
Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2006
Catriona: Issues in Political Theory , Oxford University Press, New
York, 2008
Sushila: Political Theory-Ideas and Concepts , Macmillan, 2006
Paper II:
Political Thought (Select Political Thinkers)
Unit 1: Greek
Political Thought: Plato & Aristotle
Unit 2: Church
and the State: St Thomas Aquinas and St Augustine
Unit 3:
Political Theory of Niccolo Machiavelli-Reaction to Medieval Tradition
Unit 4:
Individualism and Liberalism: Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean Jacques
Rousseau; Utilitarianism: Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill
Unit 5:
Socialism: Marx, Lenin and Moa; New Leftism
Unit 6:
Evolutionary Socialism-Bernstein; Utopian Socialism-Robert Owen;Fabianism-
Henry George;
English Idealism: T.H.Green
Unit 7:
Twentieth Century Political Thinkers: Foucault (Knowledge is Power) and Noam
(Manufacturing Consent and Propaganda)
Alik, Lydia: Foucault
For Beginners, Orient Longman, 2000
Barker, E.: The
Political Thought of Plato and Aristotle, Dover Publication, New York
Michel: Power/Knowledge, Pantheon Books, New York, 1979
Jayapalan, N.:
Plato , Atlantic Publishers Distributors, New Delhi, 1999
Jayapalan, N.:
Aristotle , Atlantic Publishers Distributors, New Delhi, 1999
Nelson, Brian
R.: Western Political Thought (Second Edition), Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2006
Rai, Milan: Chomsky’s
Politics, Rawat Publications, New Delhi, 1995
Sabine G.H.:
History of Political Thought, Oxford and IBH, New Delhi, 1973
Sharma, S.K.
and Sharma, Urmila,: Western Political Thought-From Plato to Burke,
Atlantic , 2003
Paper III:
Political Thought
Unit 1:
Ancient Indian Political Thought: Manu & Kautilya
Unit 2:
Gandhian Political Thought
Unit 3:
Political Ideas of Acharya Vinoba Bhave
Unit 4:
Political Ideas of Jawaharlal Nehru
Unit 5:
Political Ideas of J.P.Narayan
Unit 6:
Political Ideas of M.N.Roy
Altekar, A.S.:
State and Government in Ancient India , Motilal Banarsidas Publications,
Varanasi, 2001
,Chakrabarty: Social and Political Thought of Mahatma Gandhi,
Routletdge, Loandon, 2006
Archana : Indian Political Thought , Commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi,
Jayapalan, N.:
Indian Political Thinkers-Modern Indian Political Thought, Atlantic
Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2003
Mohanty, D.K.:
Indian Political Tradition-From Manu to Ambedkar , Anmol
Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2007
Thomas and Deutsch,K.L., (eds.): Political Thought in Modern India , Sage,
New Delhi, 1986
Sharma, Urmila
and Sharma, S.K. : Indian Political Thought, Atlantic Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi, 2003
Paper IV:
Political System
Unit 1:
Philosophy of the Indian Constitution (Popular Sovereignty, Parliamentary
Democracy, Individual Freedom, Social Justice and Equality, Secularism,
Universal Franchise, Fraternity and National Identity)
Unit 2: Party
system in India: Era of one-party dominance and Congress-Breakdown of Congress
dominance- Process of Regionalization-Transition to Coalition Politics
Unit 3:
Regional Aspirations: Linguistic Regionalism- Assam and Dravidian Movement
(Telengana Movement) Insurgencies in the North-East: Assam (ULFA, Bodo, Karbi
and Dimasa outfits); Naga and Mizo insurgencies
Unit 4:
Federal Structure and its Dynamics: Issues in Centre-State Relations
Unit 5: Indian
Judiciary: Judicial Review, Public Interest Litigation; Judicial Activism: A
Critical Appraisal Unit 6: Government at the grassroots level: Panchayati Raj
and urban self-governing Institutions (73rd and
74th Amendments) and Role of NGOs
Granville: Working a Democratic Constitution: The Indian Experience, New
Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2001
Bhambri, C.P.:
Political Process in India, Vikas, Delhi
Chandra: Terrorism and Separation in North-East India , Kalpaz
Publications, Delhi, 2007
Brass, Paul R:
The Politics in India Since Independence, Cambridge University Press,
New Delhi, 1997
Bipan: India After Independence (1947-2000), Penguin, New Delhi, 2000
Hasan Zoya,
ed.: Politics and the State in India, 2000. Sage Publication
Kohli, Atul: India’s
Democracy-An Analysis of Changing State and Society Relations, Orient
Longman, New Delhi
Rajni: Politics in India, Orient Longman, New Delhi
Morris Jones,
W.H.: Politics in India, Hutchinson and Co., London
Pakem, B.ed: Nationality,
Ethnicity and Cultural Identity in the North East, Omsons Publications, New
Delhi, 1990
Rao,V.V. : A
Hundred Years of Local Self Government in Assam , Bani Prakash Mandir,
Gauhati, 1963
2nd Semester :
Paper V:
Administration: Concepts and Theories
Unit 1: Public
Administration: Nature and Scope of Public Administration, Public and Private
Administration; New Public Administration
Unit 2:
Politics and Public Administration ; Role of Public Administration in
Developing Societies, Concept of Development Administration (Fred W.Riggs)
Unit 3:
Organization: Formal and Informal Organization, Approaches, and Principles of
Organization, Structure of Organization (Line and Staff)
Unit 4:
Theories of Management: Scientific Management, Human Relations, Systems
Approach and Decision Making Theory
Unit 5:
Leadership (Meaning and Theories: Great Man, Trait, Situational and Contingency
Theory) and Motivation (Meaning and Theories: Traditional theories; Modern
theories-Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and McGregor’s Theory of X and Theory Y)
Unit 6:
Bureaucratic Theory: Max Weber, Karl Marx
Arora, R,.K.: Perspectives
in Administrative Theory, Associated Publishing House, New Delhi
Avasthi and
Maheshwari: Public Administration, L.N.Agarwal, Agra
Basu, Rumki : Public
Administration –Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, 2008
Bhagwan, Vishnoo
and Bhushan, Vidya : Public Administration, S.Chand and Co. Ltd., New Delhi,
S.R. : Administrative Theories, Allied Publishers Ltd., New Delhi
Sharma , Dr.
M. P. & Dr. B. L. Sadana : Public Administration in Theory and Practice,
Kitab Mahal, Allahabad
Paper VI:
Unit 1:
Salient Features of the Indian Administrative System; All India Services, State
Services and Central Secretariat Services: Their nature, status, functions and
role in Indian Administration
Unit 2:
Constitutional Authorities: Union and State Public Service Commissions,
Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Unit 3:
Bureaucracy: Its nature and role, generalist vs. specialist controversy,
Committed and Neutral Bureaucracy
Unit 4:
Development Administration in India
Unit 5:
Financial Administration: Preparation of Budget, Performance Budgeting and
Zero-Base Budgeting
Unit 6: Good
Governance (structural reforms), Corruption; Central Vigilance Commission, Lok
Pal and Lok Ayuktas (Ombudsman) in India, the Right to Information Act, 2005
Unit 7:
Recommendations of various committees on administrative reforms -Appleby Report
on Public Administration in India, Gorwala Report on Public Administration ,
Administrative Reforms Commission
Arora, R.K.
and Goyal, R.: Indian Public Administration, Wiswha Prakashan, Guwahati,
Avasthi and
Arora: Bureaucracy and Development: Indian Perspective, Associated
Publishing House, New Delhi
Avsathi and
Avasthi: Indian Administration, L.N.Agarwal, Agra Banerjee, Ritu : The
Right to Information Act in India:Concepts and Problems, Murari Lal &
Sons, New Delhi, 2010
Bhambri, C.P.:
Administration in a Changing Society, National Publishing House, New
Bhambri, C.P.:
Indian Administrtion, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2001
Goyal, Rajni
& Ramesh K.Arora : Indian Public Administration-Institutional Issues ,
Wiswa Praksahan, New Delhi, 2010
S.R.: Indian Administration, Orient Longman, New Delhi, 2003
Paper VII:
Politics: Theory
Unit 1:
Development of International Politics as an academic discipline; and scope of
International Politics
Unit 2:
Theories of International Politics: Game Theory, Bargaining Theory,
Decision-making and Communication Theory
Unit 3: Power
in International Politics (Concept of Power, Elements of National Power,
Limitations on National Power, Balance of Power and Collective Security)
Unit 4:
National Interest –Meaning of national interest- Vital and non-vital components
of national interest: Types of national interest: Methods for securing national
interest- National interest and ideology :Decline of ideology
Unit 5:
Diplomacy: Development of Diplomacy- Features of Diplomacy- Types of Diplomacy
(Traditional Diplomacy & New Diplomacy)-Decline of Diplomacy
Unit 6:
International Conflict-Crisis, Conflicts and War (Middle East, Korean
War-present trends)
Joshua S.: International Relations, Pearson Education, Inc. and Dorling
Kindersley Publishing Inc., 2005
Jackson R.: Introduction
to International Relations, Oxford University Press
Mahendra: Theoretical Aspects of International Politics, New Delhi
Hans J. Politics Among Nations, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2005
Prakash C.: International
Relations, New Delhi – 2000
Vandana, A: Theory
of International Politics, New Delhi, 1998
Paper VIII:
International Relations
Unit 1: Cold
War-Its Nature; End of Cold War and Emerging World Order
Unit 2:
Developing World and World Politics: Non-Aligned Movement, South-South
Cooperation; Regional groupings
Unit 3:
India’s Foreign Policy: Basic Principles and Objectives, India’s Relations with
Russia, US, Pakistan, China and Bangladesh
Unit 4:
International Terrorism (Afghanistan, Iraq) and efforts to counter terrorism
(Al-Quaeda, etc)
Unit 5:
Globalization (WTO) and its impact on International Politics (Neo-Colonialism
and Dependency)
Unit 6:
International Environmental Concerns (Climate Change, Rio, UNFCCC, Kyoto
Protocol, the Concept of Sustainable Human Development)
Baylis, John: The
Globalisation of World Politics, Oxford University Press
Joshua International Relations, Pearson Education, Inc. and Dorling
Kindersley Publishing Inc., 2005
Hans J. Politics Among Nations, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2005
Prakash C. : International
Relations, New Delhi – 2000
Vandana, A : Theory
of International Politics, New Delhi, 1998
3rd Semester
Paper IX:
Political Analysis
Unit 1:
Meaning and Nature of Political Analysis (Fact, Value and Theory Analysis),
Normative Political Analysis and Development of Modern Political Analysis
Unit 2:
Traditional vs. Contemporary Approaches, Behaviouralism and Post-
Unit 3:
Systems Analysis of David Easton
Unit 4:
Sructural-Functional Analysis of Gabriel Almond,(Morton Kaplan’s view)
Unit 5:
Communication theory, Decision-making theory, elite theory, group theory
Unit 6
Political Development, Theories of Modernization, Interest
Articulation-Interest Groups
Unit 7:
Behaviour and functioning of various political institutions: Political Parties,
Police, Military, Bureaucracy, Judiciary and Trade Unions
Dahl, Robert
A. and Stinebrickner: Modern Political Analysis- Sixth Edition , New
Delhi 2005
Johari, J.C.: Contemporary
Political Theory-New Dimensions, Basic Concepts band Major Trends, Sterling
Publishers Private Limited, New Delhi
Rathod, P.B.: Political
Analysis-Historical and Modern Perspective, ABD Publishers2006, Jaipur,
Verma, S.L.: Advanced
Modern Political Theory-Analysis and Techniques, Rawat Publications, New
Delhi, 2008
Paper X:
Rights: Theory
Unit 1:
Meaning, Nature and Evolution of Human Rights : Three Generation Rights
Unit 2: The
Classical Liberal theory of Human Rights: Thomas Hobbes’ view, John Locke’s
view, Jean Jacques Rousseau’ view; The Modern Theories of Human Rights-views of
John Rawls
Unit 3: Feminist
Perspective on Human Rights
Unit 4:
Marxist Perspective on Human Rights
Unit 5:
Universalistic Approach to Human Rights and Third World Perspectives: Views
of Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Aung San Swu Kyi
Marjorie (ed.) : Women, Gender, and Human Rights-A Global Perspective ,
Rawat Publications, New Delhi, 2009
Jayant : A Textbook of Human Rights, Wisdom Press, New Delhi, 2011
Kothari and
Sethi (ed.): Rethinking Human Rights : Challenge for Theory and Action, Deep
and Deep, 1990
(ed.): Human Rights-Principles, Practices and Abuses, Omsons
Publications, New Delhi, 1994
Adil-ul- and Upadhyay, Archana: Human Rights, Akansha Publishing House,
New Delhi, 2004
Paper XI:
Rights: Institutional Arrangements
Unit 1: United
Nations and Human Rights : The UN Charter and The Universal Declaration of
Human Rights
Unit 2:
International Convention and Covenants and Protocol- The International Covenant
on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), The International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and Optional Protocol
Unit 3: The
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Unit 4:
Conventions relating to women and children: The Convention on the Rights of the
Child and The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women; Beijing Conference, 1995
Unit 5: Human
Rights Education: UNESCO and Montreal Protocol
Unit 6:
Constitutional and Legal Framework of Human Rights in India
Lisa : Women and Human Rights, A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi,
Rai, Rahul: Human
Rights-UN Initiatives, Indian Institute of Human Rights, Delhi, 2005
Shabbir, M
(ed.) : Human Rights in the 21st Century
Rawat Publications,
New Delhi, 2008
Janusz (ed) : Human Rights-Concept and Standards(UNESCO), Rawat
Publications, New Delhi, 2005
Janusz (ed) : Human Rights-International Protection, Monitoring, Enforcement,
Rawat Publications, New Delhi, 2005
Fifty Years
of the Declaration of Human Rights, Amnesty International declaration Secretariat , 1 Eastern
Street, London UCI,UK,1997
Paper XII:
Unit 1:
Definition and Subject Matter of Political Sociology, Political Culture:
meaning and significance, Political Socialization and Political Participation:
meaning, significance and agencies (Role of political structure and process,
culture of Alienation)
Unit 2:
Emergence of Political Sociology as a Discipline; Contributions of Marx, Weber,
Pareto, Mosca, C.W.Mills; Elite theories of distribution of power in society
(with special reference to Mosca, Pareto, R.Mitchels and C.W. Mills and others)
Unit 3:
Democratic and totalitarian systems-Socio-economic conditions conducive for
their emergence and stability
Unit 4:
Violence: Theories and Forms, State violence and Group/Collective violence,
Culture of violence and Ethnic cleansing
Unit 5: Pressure
groups and interest groups-Nature, bases, political significance
Unit 6: Women
and Child Welfare Administration; Health and Family Welfare Administration
Ashraf, Ali
and Sharma, L.N.: Political Sociology: A New Grammar of Politics,
Hyderabad, Orient Longman, 1983
Stephen: Ethnicity and Globalization, London and New Delhi, Sage, 2000
I.L.: Foundations of Political Sociology, Harper and Row, New York 1972
Amal Kumar & Bagchi, K.P. : Political Sociology: An Introductory
Analysis , K.P.Bagchi and Company, 1977
Nash, K.: Contemporary
Political Sociology: Globalization, Politics and Power, Blackwell
Publishers, Oxford, 1999
4th Semester
Paper XIII:
Personnel Administration
Unit 1: Public
Personnel Administration-Meaning and role in the modern State
Unit 2:
Recruitment: Types, Process and Problems; Training: Meaning, Methods and
Techniques; Promotion : Meaning and Principles
Unit 3:
Position Classification and Pay Scales: Meaning, Basis for classifying
Positions, Advantages and Disadvantages of Position Classification
Unit 4:
Personnel Administration in India: Colonial legacy, Constitutional Framework,
Recruitment to higher civil services,-Policy and Procedure-Issues of
Reservations in public services-
Unit 5:
Training of Higher Civil Services in India-Types, Techniques and Training
Institutions in India-The System of Promotion in India -Principles and
Performance Appraisal
Unit 6: Civil
Service Anonymity and Neutrality vs. Commitment
Arora, R.K.,
and Goyal, R.: Indian Public Administration, Wishwa Prakashan, Guwahati,
Arora, R.K., Administrative
Theory, IIPA, New Delhi, 1979
Avsathi and
Arora: Bureaucracy and Development-Indian Perspectives, Associated
Publishing House, New Delhi, 1978
Avasthi and
Maheshwari: Public Administration, L.N.Agarwal, Agra
Nigro, Felix A
and Nigro, Lloyd G.: Modern Public Administration, Harper and Row, New
York, 1989
S.R. : Administrative Theories, Allied Publishers Ltd., New Delhi
N.Venkateshwara : Public Administration and Development Dynamics ,
Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi, 1996
Paper XIV: (Optional)
Public Administration
Unit 1: Concept
and Scope of Comparative Public Administration; Origin and Development of
Comparative Public Administration
Unit 2: Merit
System: Concept, Origin, Development and Existing Status. (India, UK and USA)
Unit 3:
Employer-Employee Relations: Reference to Whitleyism (UK, USA and India)
Unit 4:
Budgeting: Budgetary procedure and practice in India, UK and USA
Unit 5:
Legislative Control over Administration (India, UK and USA)
Unit 6:
Administrative Reforms in India and UK
Arora, Ramesh
K.(ed.): Comparative Public Administration, Associated Publishing House,
New Delhi
Avsathi and
Avasthi: Indian Administration, L.N.Agarwal, Agra
Basu, Rumki : Public
Administration –Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, 2008
Vishnoo and Bhushan, Vidya : Public Administration, S.Chand and Co. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2007
Bhambri, C.P.:
Indian Administration, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2001
S.R.: Indian Administration, Orient Longman, New Delhi, 2003
Sharma , Dr.
M. P. & Dr. B. L. Sadana : Public Administration in Theory and Practice,
Kitab Mahal, Allahabad
Paper XV : (Optional)
Society in Transition
Unit 1:
Approaches to the study of social change in India: Sanskritisation and
Westernization and Modernization;Little Tradition and Great Tradition;
Cognitive Historical Approach (Louis Dumont)
Unit 2: Rural
Leadership: Meaning, characteristics, changes-traditional to modern; Agrarian
class structure, Impact of land reforms and green revolution on agrarian class
structure; Panchayati Raj: structure and functions, impact of panchayati raj in
rural society
Unit 3: Caste
System in India-Meaning and Characteristics-Changes in caste system during the
British Rule-Caste in independent India-dominant caste, merits and demerits of
caste-Mobility within caste system. Constitutional and statutory provisions
against caste inequities. Mandal Commission Report.
Unit 4:
Urban-Industrial class structure –rise of middle class
Unit 5: Tribal
Society: Land alienation and displacement and problems of health and nutrition.
Unit 6:
Demographic Change-population growth, migration(inter-state and rural urban)
and problem of forced-migration; social consequences of demographic change
Unit 7: Gender
Issues: Empowerment of women, constitutional position, Domestic Violence,
Ahuja, Ram: Indian
Social System, Rawat Publications, Jaipur
Andre: Caste, Class and Power, Oxford University Press, Mumbai
Dube,S.C.: Indian
Society , National Book Trust, New Delhi
Dumont, Louis:
Homo Hierarchicus: The Caste System and Its Implications, University of
Chicago Press, 1980
Singh, Y.: Culture
Change in India: Identity and Globaization, Rawat Publications,
Singh, Y.: Modernization
of Indian Tradition, Rawat Publications, Jaipur
M.N.: Social Change in Modern India, Allied Publishers, Mumbai
Paper XVI: (Optional)
Unit 1:
Definition, Features, Ideology and Organizational and Leadership dynamics of
Social Movements; Types of Social Movements
Unit 2:
Durkheim’s concept of Anomie; concept of Relative Deprivation
Unit 3: Social
movements and social change: reform, revival, revolution and counter movements
Unit 4:
Theories of the emergence of social movements:
(a) Marxist
and post-Marxist
(b) Weberian
and post-Weberian
Unit 5: Social
movements in India: peasant movement (Naxalbari Movement) labour and trade
union movements and autonomy movements in Assam (Karbi-Dimasa and Bodo
Unit 6: Types
of Social Movements in India: Ecological and environmental movements (Chipko
Movement, Narmada Bachao Andolon); Social Movements in North East India with
special reference to Assam Movement; Meira Paibis in Manipur.
Bipan: Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India, Orient Longman
Baruah, Sanjib:
India Against Itself, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2000
Gohain, Hiren:
Assam: The Burning Question , Spectrum Publications, Guwahati, 1984
Sandhya: Language Politics in Assam, Ajanta, New Delhi, 1997
Guha, Ranajit,
ed.: Subaltern Studies, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
Monirul: The Assam Movement-, Class, Ideology and Identity ,
Manak Publication, Delhi, 1993
Mukherji, P.N.
: Study of Social Conflict: Case of Naxalbari Peasant Movement, E.P.W.,
Vol.22: 38, 19th September 1987
Rao, MSA : Social
Movements in India , Manohar Publishers and Distributors
Sujata Miri & Sandhya Goswami : Northeast India- Development,
Communalism and Insurgency, Anshah Communalism and Insurgency Publishing
House, 2007, Delhi
Rocher, Guy: A
general Introduction to Sociology : A Theoretical Perspective, Macmillan,
Toronto, 1977
Ghanashyam : Social Movements in India, Sage, New Delhi, 1990
Rajinder: Social Movements Old and New, Sage, New Delhi, 2001
Paper XVII:
Women and
Unit 1:
Concepts of Gender and Patriarchy and Theories of Feminism
Unit 2:
Historical Perspective of Women’s Movements; Contemporary Movements on Gender
Issues- Global, Regional and National Perspectives
Unit 3: Women
and Family: Marriage and the Family, Power Structure in family, Change in power
base-Violence against Women: Domestic, Community and State Violence
Unit 4:
Political participation of women in India with special reference to Assam
-Nature and History
Unit 5:
Economic participation of women in India -inheritance system and women’s
command over resources, occupational differentiation by gender, gender gap in
Unit 6:
Economic Empowerment of Women and Skill development-through entrepreneurship,
government policies and interventions, schemes for skill development in rural
Bhasin, Kamal:
What is Patriarchy, New Delhi, 1993
Dutta, Sujit
Kumar and Ghosh, Dilip Kumar: Empowering Rural Women, Akansha Publishing
House, New Delhi, 2002
Kaur, Manmohan
: Women in India’s Freedom Struggle, Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 1992
Pandey, A.K.: Emerging
Issues in Empowerment of Women, Institute for Sustainable Development,
Lucknow and Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002
Shanley, M.L.
& Pateman,C: Feminist Interpretation and Political Theory,
Cambridge, Polity Press, 1991
Sharma, Dipti
: Assamese Women in the Freedom Struggle, Punthi Pustak, Kolkata, 1993
XVIII: (Optional)
Peace and
Conflict Studies
Unit 1:
Concept of peace and conflict: present status of peace and conflict studies
(broad peace, narrow peace, structural violence, cultural violence)
Unit 2:
Approaches and analysis of peace theories (overview of major Indian and
non-Indian approaches), peace culture and peace education (UNESCO’s Culture of
Peace initiative)
Unit 3:
Political economy of development and underdevelopment and its impact on the
culture of peace
Unit 4: War
and Militarism, Women and Children in Conflict Situations in North East India
Unit 5:
Conflict Management, Conflict Resolution, Conflict Settlement and Conflict
Unit 6:
Reconstructive and Transformative Peace Building and Peace Making, Role of
Mediation, NGO in peace building, Role of Media
Unit 7: Legal
means for conflict resolution-International Law and Municipal Law
Paula (ed.) : Women in Peace Politics, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2008
David.P.: Approaches to Peace: A Reader in Peace Studies , Oxford
Jeong, Ho-Won:
Peace and Conflict Studies- An Introduction , Ashgate Publishers Ltd.,
Webel, Charles
and Galtung Johan (ed.): Handbook of peace and Conflict Studies,
Ranabir: Peace Studies: An Introduction to the Concept, Scope and Themes,
Sage India, 2004
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