Thursday, 2 May 2013

Gauhati University BCA Syllabus - Distance Education Mode

Detailed Syllabus BCA - Gauhati University Distance Education

Gauhati University

Course Structure Bachelor of Computer Application
( BCA )

DURATION: The Course will be a 3 Years (6 Semesters) Course.
1. 10+2 or 3 Years Polytechnic Diploma.
Course Structure:
Course No Paper Name Credit
ITOL-111 Fundamentals of Computer 3
ITOL-112 Digital Systems 3
ITOL-113 Communicative English 2
ITOL-114 Mathematics –I
ITOL-119 Laboratory (DOS and UNIX
commands and Office Automation)

Course No Paper Name Credit
ITOL-121 Introduction to Programming using C 3
ITOL-122 Environmental Studies 3
ITOL-123 Mathematics II 3
ITOL-126 Computer Based Accounting and Financial
ITOL-129 Laboratory (ITOL-121) 4
Course No Paper Name Credit
ITOL-124/211 Computer Organization and Architecture 3
ITOL-212 Data Structure using C 3
ITOL-213 Operating System 3
ITOL-214 System Analysis & Design 3
ITOL-218 Laboratory(ITOL-212) 4
Course No Paper Name Credit
ITOL-226 Numerical Analysis 3
ITOL-223 Database Management System 3
ITOL-224 Computer Network & Internet 3
ITOL-225 OOP using C++ 3
ITOL-228 Laboratory (ITOL-223+ ITOL-225) 4
Course No Paper Name Credit
ITOL-311 Computer Hardware & System Administration 2
ITOL-312 Programming in JAVA 3
ITOL-313 Web Technology 2
ITOL-314 E Commerce 3
ITOL-318 Laboratory(ITOL-311) 2
ITOL-319 Laboratory(ITOL-312+ ITOL-313) 4
Course No Paper Name Credit
Elective – I 3
Elective – II 3
ITOL-325 Project 6
Courses for Electives:
ITOL-501: Artificial Intelligence
ITOL-502: Data Mining
ITOL-503: E-Learning Technologies
ITOL-504: Object Oriented Design using UML
ITOL-505: Software Engineering
ITOL-506: Advanced Web Technology

Detail Syllabus BCA Gauhati University
Full Marks: 100
What is Computer and its History, Generation of Computers, Classification of Computers;
Components of a Digital Computer: CPU, Memory, I/O devices; Storage Devices, Backup
System and it is use.
What is Computer Software and its need, Types of Computer Softwares; Computer languages,
Generation of Computer Languages, Classification of Computer Languages; Computer Viruses.
Full Marks:100
Digital Computers and Digital Systems, Binary Numbers, Number Base Conversion,
Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers, Complements, Binary Codes, Binary Storage and
Registers, Binary Logic, Integrated Circuits
Boolean Operators, Boolean Algebra and its Rules, Dual and Complement of Boolean
Expression, Sum of Product and Product of Sum, Conversion between Boolean
Expression and Truth Table, Boolean Expression and their Simplification by Algebraic
Method, Karnaugh Map.
Half Adder, Full Adder. Decoder, Encoder, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer.
Flip-Flops and its different types and Registers.
Full Marks:100
Scope and Meaning of Communication; Essentials of Good Communication- Listening
and Reading Skills, Difference between the Spoken and the Written Form, Verbal and
Non-Verbal Communications, Gestures and Body Language, Formal and Informal
Communication; Levels of Communication - Upward/Downward/Horizontal
Communication, Barriers of Communication.
Mechanisms of Effective Oral Communication- How to Speak a Language clearly,
fluently and naturally; Pronunciation, Difference between Spelling and Pronunciation,
Everyday Conversation (with elders, friends, strangers etc.); Group Discussion and
Facing an Interview Board; Public Speaking(Addressing a Meeting, Debate etc.),
Practical Exercises.
Mechanisms of Effective Written Communication – Punctuation, Sequencing of Ideas,
Building Paragraph/Body, a Good Introduction and Conclusion; Word Buildings, Making
Sentences from Phrases and Idioms; Writing and Presentation of Reports; Writing Notes,
Memos and Short Notes; Writing Letters for Business and Office Use; Writing
Complaints; Placing Orders ; Summery Writing.
Extensive Oral and Written Examples of various kinds of English used in the field of
Science and Technology.
Full Marks: 100
Sets, Relations and Functions
Sets, relations, properties of binary relations, closures of relation, equivalence relations,
equivalence classes and partitions. Partial ordering relations and lattices. Functions, one
to one and onto, principles of mathematical induction.
Sequence and Series
Sequence of Real Numbers, Bounded Sequences, Convergent and Non-Convergent
Sequences, Uniqueness of the Limit and Bounds of a Convergent Sequence, Cauchy
Sequence, Cauchy’s General Principle of Convergence (proof of the necessary part only),
Subsequences, Convergence and Divergence of Monotonic Increasing and Decreasing
Sequences, Algebraic Operations on Limit (statements of the theorems without proof),
Infinite Series, Statements of Basic Properties of Infinite Series (without proof). Absolute
and Conditional Convergence, Some useful test for Convergence and Divergence:
Comparison Test, D’Alemberts Ratio Test.
Row and column operations, vectors and matrices, partitioning of matrices, representing
relations using matrices, Determinant of a square matrix, minor, cafactor, the Cayley
Hamilton theorem, inverse of a matrix, product form of inverse. Rank of a matrix.
Solutions of simultaneous linear equations, existence of solutions, solution by Gaussian
elimination, Eigen values and Eigen vectors.
Geometrical Representation of Complex Numbers- the Argand Plane, Polar Form of a
Complex Number, Modulus, Amplitude and their various properties, De Moiver’s
Theorem and its Application, Expansion of cos(x), sin(x) and tan(x) in Positive Integral
Powers of x
ITOL-119: Laboratory (DOS and UNIX commands and Office Automation)
Full Marks:100
DOS commands
UNIX commands
MS-Word, MS-PowerPoint, MS-Excel, MS-access
ITOL-121: Introduction to Programming using C
Full Marks:100
Algorithm, Flowchart, Pseudo Code.
Structure of a C program, Tokens, Storage Classes (Automatic, External, Static,
Register), Variables, Constants and Identifiers, Syntax and Semantics Error.
Data types, Initialization of Variable during Declarations, Operators in C and their
Conditional Statements: if, if-else, switch
Iterative Statements: while, do-while, for
Other Statements: break, continue, goto, return
What is Arrays, One Dimensional Array and Two-Dimensional Array, Declaration of
Arrays, Operations on Arrays.
Function: Function Declaration and Definition, Parameters, Actual Parameter, Formal
Parameter. Calling a Function: Call by Value, Call by Address. Passing an Array to a
Function, Recursive Function.
What is Pointer, Declaration of Pointer Variables, Operations using Pointer Variables.
Structure and Union, Declaration, Operations using Structure.
Full Marks:100
The Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies
Definition, Scope and Importance, Need for Public Awareness.
Natural Resources
Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources, Natural Resources and Associated Problems
(Forest Resources, Water Resources, Mineral Resources, Food Resources, Energy
Resources, Land Resources), Role of an Individual in Conservation of Natural Resources.
Definition , Structure and Function of and Ecosystem, Producers, Consumers and
Decomposers , Energy Flow in the System , Ecological Succession , Food Chains, Food
Webs and Ecological Pyramids and its types, Characteristic Features, Structure and
Function of the different Ecosystem(Forest Ecosystem, Grassland Ecosystem, Desert
Ecosystem, Aquatic Ecosystem: Ponds, Streams, Lakes, Rivers, Oceans, Estuaries etc.)
Biodiversity and its conservation
Definition, Genetics, Species and Ecosystem Diversities, Bio-geographical Classification
of India, Value of biodiversity ( consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical,
aesthetic and option values) , Biodiversity at global, national and local level, India as a
mega-diversity nation, Hot-spots of biodiversity ,Threats to biodiversity( habitat loss,
poaching of wild life, man-wild-life conflicts) , Endangered and endemic species of
Conservation of biodiversity (In-situ and ex-situ conservation of biodiversity)
Environmental pollution
Definition, Causes, effects and control measure of different environmental pollution (air
pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, marine pollution, noise pollution, thermal
pollution, nuclear pollution).
Solid waste management (Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial
Role of individual in prevention of pollution, Pollution case studies.
Disaster management (floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides).
Social issues and the Environment:
Urban problems related to energy, Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed
management, Resettlement and rehabilitation of people, its problem and concern, case
Environmental ethics (issues and possible solutions, Climate change, global warming,
acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust, case studies), Waste
land reclamation, Consumerism and waste product, Environment protection acts.
Air (prevention and control of pollution) acts, Wild life protection act, Forest
conservation act, Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation, public
Human population and the environment
Population growth, variation among nations, Population explosion- family welfare
programme, Environment and human health, Human rights, Value education, HIV/ AIDS
Women and child welfare, Role of information technology in environment and human
health, Case studies
Full Marks:100
Mathematical Statistics:
Collection of data, frequency distribution, measures of central tendency Mean, Media
Mode, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation and Dispersion, Skewness .Basic concept of
Probability, Properties of probability, conditional probability. Baye’s Theorem,Concepts
on Discrete and Continuous random variables and Binomial distribution , Poisson
distribution and Normal distribution and its properties.
Differential Calculus
Concept of Limits, Continuity and Differentiability, Differentiation, Rolle’s Theorem and
its Applications, Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem and its Applications and Taylor’s
Theorem. Partial Derivatives, Indeterminate Forms, Maxima and Minima for single and
two Variables, Lagrange’s Multiplier.
Integral Calculus
Elementary Methods and Properties of Integration, Definite Integrals and its Properties,
Concept of Indefinite Integral, Application of Integral Calculus(length, area, volume),
Idea of Multiple Integrals Fourier Series.
ITOL-126: Computer Based Accounting and Financial Management
Full marks: 100
Definition, function, uses, objectives, limitations. Double entry system of accounting,
introduction of basic books of accounts of sole proprietary concern, control accounts for
debtors and creditors, closing of books of accounts and preparations of trial balance.
Capital and revenue items. Application of computers in accounting. Meaning and Nature
of Financial Accounting, Scope of Financial Accounting, Financial Accounting &
Management Accounting,
Accounting procedure used for recording cash, Bank and journal transactions using
appreciate vouchers, Introduction to ledger accounting, Cash Book, Journal and bank
account . Trading Profit and Loss account and balance sheet.
Financial statement analysis:
Ratio analysis, Funds flow analysis, concepts, uses, Preparation of funds flow statement,
simple problem, Cash flow analysis, Concepts, uses, preparation of cash flow statement,
simple problem.
Costing :
Nature, importance and basic principles, budget and budgetary control, nature and
scope, importance, method of finalization of master budget and functional budgets.
Nature ,scope and importance of marginal and standard costing.
Break-even analysis. Its uses and limitations, construction of break even chart , practical
application of marginal costing. Computation and analysis of variances with reference to
material cost, labour cost and overhead cost. Interpretation of the variances.
Inventory valuation :
Objectives, Introduction to FIFO, LIFO & Weighted Average method of inventory
valuation, Valuation of inventory on balance sheet date, inventory accounting and
control, Introduction to stocks & shares, Concept of cost of capital, introduction,
importance, explicit & implicit cost, Measurement of cost of capital, cost of debt.
Theory of working capital: Nature and concepts
Full Marks:100
Functional Units of a Computer, Basic Instructions, Interconnection of Functional Units,
Bus Structure, Memory Locations, Memory Addresses, Memory Operations, Instruction
and Instruction Sequencing (Straight Line Sequencing and Branching), Addressing
Modes, Introduction to Assembly Language, Stack, Subroutine, I/O instructions.
Introduction, Inter Register Transfer, Arithmetic Micro-operation, Logic Microoperation,
Shift Micro-operation, Conditional Control Statements, Fixed Point Binary
Data, Instruction Code, Design of a Simple Computer.
Processor organization, Design of Arithmetic and Logic Circuit, Status Register, Design
of Accumulator.
Hardwired Control, Micro-programmed Control Block Diagram, Symbolic Microprogram,
Micro-programmed CPU Organization.
Program Controlled I/O, Interrupts: enabling and disabling interrupts, handling interrupts
from multiple sources (priority control), DMA. Structure and Working of Hard Disk,
CDROM, Printer.
Semiconductor Memory, SRAM, DRAM, ROM and their Speed, Size and Cost; Cache
Memory, Mapping Functions, Replacement Algorithms.
Full Marks: 100
Concept of Data and Data Types, Abstract data type
Arrays :
Definition , Types, memory representation, address translation functions for one & Two
dimensional arrays, Different operations.
Linked Structure:
Singly linked list, Differences between linked list and arrays, doubly linked list, circular
link list , insertion, deletion and traversal of elements in different linked lists.
Stacks and Queues
Definition of Stack and Queue, implementation of stack and queue using array and linked
list structure, application of stack and queues, postfix conversion and evolution of
arithmetic expressions, priority queue
Binary trees:
Tree, Definition of binary tree and properties, memory representation, Binary search tree
(construction, insertion, deletion and search), Trees traversal algorithms : Preorder,
Postorder and Inorder(recursive and non-recursive), Breadth First Search, Depth First
Search, Balanced trees, Threaded trees
Searching :
Linear and binary search algorithms, performance and complexity, Hashing
Different sorting algorithms and its performances and complexities (Bubble sort,
insertion sort, selection sort, radix sort. merge sort, quick sort, heap sort)
File Structure:
Sequential, Index sequential file structure
Full Marks:100
What is an operating system, batch systems, single user and multi user system,
multiprogramming, time-sharing systems, personal computer systems, parallel systems or
multiprocessing, distributed systems, real-time systems.
Processes Management:
Process , Thread, design issues of thread, user space thread and kernel space thread.
Usage of thread. Process states, Implementation of process:- process table, Race
condition, Critical-Section, mutual exclusion.
Process scheduling, preemptive and non preemptive scheduling. Scheduling Algorithms,
Goals of scheduling algorithms
What is Deadlocks, System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling
Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection and
Memory management:
Allocation, Address binding (relocation), and protection, Swapping, paging,
Virtual memory - logical versus physical address space, paging, page fault, page table
and its entries, demand paging, multi level page table.
File system:
Definition, file naming, file types(directory, regular, device), sequential access and
random access files, file attributes, operations on file, free space management, directory
management, path name(relative and absolute), operation on directories, mounting,
contiguous allocation linked list allocation, FAT, i-nodes, directories in UNIX
I/O management:
Basic principles and overall structure of I/O management subsystem, Device controllers,
block I/O, character I/O, DMA and interrupt driven I/O, interrupt handlers, device driver,
device independent I/O software and user space I/O software.
ITOL-214: System Analysis & Design
Full Marks:100
Concept of System, Characteristics, Elements and Types of a System, The System
Development Life Cycle, Considerations for Candidate System. System Analysis, The
Role of System Analyst. System Planning and Initial Investigation, Information
Gathering and Information Gathering Tools.
Structured Analysis, Data Flow Diagram(DFD), Data Dictionary, Decision Tree, Pseudo
Codes, Decision Tables, System Performance Definition, Feasibility Study, Cost/Benefit
The Process and Stages of System Design, Design Methodologies, Development
Activities. Input Design, Output Design, Types of Forms, Basics of Form Design, Layout
Considerations and Forms Control.
File Structure, File Organization, System Testing and its Requirement, Trends in Testing,
Training and Documentation.
Implementation and Maintenance of Software, Post Implementation review. Selection of
Hardware and Software, System Security, Disaster Recovery Planning.
ITOL-218: Laboratory (ITOL-212)
Full Marks:100
Full Marks:100
What is DataBase, Differences between Traditional File Approach and DataBase,
Components of Data Base system, Advantages of DBMS, DBMS architecture, Data
independence, ANSI/SPARC 3 level architecture.
Data Model:
Network data model, hierarchical data model
Relational Models:
Entity, attribute, tuple, relationship , Fundamental integrity rules: entity integrity,
referential integrity, Relational algebra
Structured Query Language (SQL):
Data modeling:
E-R model concept
Database design:
Functional dependencies, different types of keys, Normalization (1NF, 2NF, 3NF,
BCNF), multivalued and join dependencies, 4NF and 5NF, Domain key normal form.
Data Base transaction:
Database concurrency, ACID properties, database backup and recovery
ITOL-224: Computer Network & Internet
Full Marks:100
Computer Network
Uses of computer networks, Types of computer networks: LAN, MAN, WAN etc.,
Networks topologies, Layered architecture. Interface and services, Connection-oriented
and connectionless service, The relationship of services to protocol,
The OSI reference model, The TCP/IP reference model, Different inter-connecting
devices: repeaters, hubs, bridges, switches, routers and gateways.
Physical layer: Guided and wireless transmission media, Satellite communication and
their relative merits and demerits
Data link Layer: Functions of data link layer, faming error control flow control
Network Layer: Functions of network layer, Virtual circuit vs. datagram subnet, Routing,
Internet protocol (IP)
Transport Layer: Basic functionality of transport layer, TCP and UDP protocol
Application Layer: Domain Name Service (DNS), electronic mail, ftp, telnet, www, http,
History of Internet, Internet services: telnet, e-mail – Definition, use, Equipments
required for an Internet Connection, Opening an e-mail account, Reading and Writing email.
Web browser, Components of a Web Browser, Web page, home page, web site, URL,
introduction to e-commerce, Surfing the Internet., Search Engine, uploading and
ITOL-225: OOP Using C++
Full Marks:100
Principles of object-oriented programming:-Object-Oriented Programming Paradigm,
Basic Concepts of Object- Oriented Programming, Benefits of OOPs, Object-Oriented
Languages, Applications of OOP.
Structure of C++ Program, Tokens, expressions and control structures:-Introduction,
Tokens, Keywords, Identifiers Basic Data types, User Defined Data Types, Derived Data
Types, Symbolic Constants, Type Compatibility, Declaration of Variables, Dynamic
Initialization of Variables, Reference Variables, Operators in C++, C++ Statements,
Operator Precedence, Control Structures.
Classes and objects:- Specifying a Class, Defining Member Functions, Making an
Outside Function Inline, Nesting of Member Functions, Private Member Function,
Arrays within a Class, Memory Allocation for Objects, Static Data Member, Static
Member Functions, Arrays of Objects, Object as Function Arguments. Constructors and
destructors:-Introduction, Constructors, Parameterized Constructors, Multiple
Constructors with Default Arguments, Dynamic Initialization of Objects, Copy
Constructors, Dynamic Constructors, Destructor.
Functions in c++:- The Main Function, Function Prototyping, Call by Reference, Return
by Reference, Inline Functions, Default Argument, Const. Arguments, Function
Overloading, Friend and Virtual Function.
Operator overloading and type conversions :-Introduction, Defining Operator
Overloading, Overloading Unary Operators, Overloading Binary Operators Using
Friends, Manipulation of strings using Operators, Rules for Overloading Operators, Type
Inheritance: extending classes Introduction, Defining Derived Classes, Single
Inheritance, Making a Private Member Inheritable, Multilevel Inheritance, Multiple
Inheritance, Hierarchical Inheritance, Hybrid Inheritance. Pointers, virtual functions and
polymorphism: - Compile time Polymorphism, run time polymorphism, Pointers to
Objects, This Pointer, and Pointers to Derived Classes, Virtual Functions.
ITOL-226: Numerical Analysis
Full Marks:100
Representation of numbers:
Floating point representation, single and double precision, round off errors and truncation
Solution of non-linear equation:
Bisection method, Newtons method, Regula Falsi method, secant method, fixed point
Solution of simultaneous linear equation:
Basic elimination method, Gaussian elimination method, Gauss Jordan method, method
of successive approximation.
Ordinary differential equation:
Euler’s method, Runge Kutta method
Newton’s interpolation, Lagrange’s interpolation
Numerical integration:
Trapezoidal rule, Simpson rule, Newton’s Cotes method.
ITOL-228: Laboratory (IT-223+ IT-225)
Full Marks:100
ITOL-311: Computer Hardware & System Administration
Full Marks: 50
UNIT I: Evolution of computer system, Modern computer, Classification of computer,
Personal Computer hardware: Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, printer, speaker
UNIT II: Hard Disk Drive: logical structure and file system, FAT, NTFS. Hard disk tools:
Disk cleanup, error checking, defragmentation, scanning for virus, formatting, installing
additional HDD. New trends in HDD. Floppy Disk Drive
UNIT III: Optical Media, CDROM, theory of operation, drive speed, buffer, cache, CD-r,
CD-RW, DVD ROM, DVD technology, preventive maintenance for DVD and CD
drives, New Technologies. Driver installation, Writing and cleaning Cd and DVD.
UNIT IV: Processor: Intel processor family. Latest trends in processor, Motherboard,
Sockets and slots, power connectors. Peripheral connectors. Bus slots, USB, pin
connectors. Different kinds of motherboards. RAM, different kinds of RAM. RAM
UNIT V: SMPS. BIOS. Network Interface Card, network cabling, I/O Box, Switches, RJ
45 connectors, Patch panel, Patch cord, racks, IP address.
Major components of the Linux operating systems. File system, setting user and group
ownership of files and directories and access permissions, basic commands for starting
and stopping processes, basic process attributes and their role in access control,
mounting and unmounting file systems and partitions.
Linux system monitoring and logging. Examining the list of running processes on the
system and understand the data presented there. Monitoring memory usage and disk
space usage on the system. Customizing system log configuration.
The rules governing IP address classes and netmasks, Configuring the resolver library to
arrange for TCP/IP name service, Bringing interfaces up and down, and set their IP
addresses and netmasks,
1. Red Hat Linux: Proffitt: PHI
2. UNIX Network Programming- Vol-I and Vol-II: Stevens: PHI
3. Introduction to System Administration: IBM series: PHI
ITOL-312: Programming in Java
Full Marks:100
Introduction to Java - Features of Java - Object Oriented Concepts - Lexical Issues - Data
Types - Variables - Arrays - Operators - Control Statements.
Classes - Objects - Constructors - Overloading method - Access Control- Static and fixed
methods - Inner Classes - String Class - Inheritance - Overriding methods - Using super-
Abstract class.
Packages - Access Protection - Importing Packages - interfaces - Exception Handling -
Throw and Throws - Thread - Synchronization - Messaging - Runnable Interface - Inter
thread Communication - Deadlock - Suspending, Resuming and stopping threads -
I/O Streams - File Streams - Applets - String Objects - String Buffer - Char Array - Java
Utilities - Code Documentation.
Networks basics - Socket Programming - Proxy Servers - TCP/IP Sockets - Net Address -
URL - Datagrams - Working with windows using AWT Classes - AWT Controls -
Layout Managers and Menus.
Full Marks:50
History of Internet, Internet services: telnet, e-mail, ftp, WWW. Equipments required for
an Internet Connection, Opening an e-mail account, Reading and Writing e-mail., ftp,
URL, Surfing the Internet., Search Engine, uploading and downloading.
Web Browsers:
functions and working principle of web browsers; plug-ins & helper applications;
conceptual architecture of typical web browsers (like Mozilla).
Introduction to Client/Server Computing:
client-server computing basics; types of Client/Server systems; middleware; N-tired
systems: 2-tier/3-tier/4-tier systems; Fat Clients versus Fat Servers.
Web Servers:
Web services and web server functionality; web server composition; Conceptual
architecture of a typical web server (like Apache).
Introduction to HTML
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Writing a web page in HTML, Different Tags,
hyperlinks, tables, text formatting in web pages, Using graphics and multimedia in web
pages; image maps., Use of frames and forms.
Client-Side Scripting
A brief introduction of client side scripting, different types of client side scripting
language. Case study with Javascript [ Constants, variables, operators, expressions,
statements. Use of user-defined and built-in functions, Client-side Form validation using
JavaScript, Using properties and methods of built-in objects.]
Server-Side Scripting
A brief introduction of server side scripting, different types of server side scripting
languages. Difference between client side and server side scripting.
ITOL-314: E Commerce
Full Marks:100
E-Commerce – Concept, E-Commerce practice v/s traditional practices, Benefits of ECommerce
to organisation, consumers and society. Limitations of E-Commerce.
Types of E-Commerce : B2C, B2B, C2C, P2P. Major Business to Consumer (B2C)
Business Models : Portal, E-tailer, Content Provider, Transaction Broker, Market Creator,
Service Provider, Community Provicer. Applications in B2C – E-Banking, E-Trading, EAution
( Introduction and overview of these concepts)
Application in B2B : Major Business to Business B2B Business Models – Edistributor,
B2B Service Provider, Matchmaker. Benefits of B2B on procurement, Just in Time
Delivery. Consumer to Consumer (C2C) Business Models, Peer to Peer (P2 P) Business
Building an E-Commerce Website: Planning- The systems developments life cycle,
System Analysis- Identify Business Objectives, System functionality and Information
requirements. System Design- Hardware and Software Platforms. Building the System-
Inhouse v/s Outsourcing. Hosting, Testing the system, implementation and Maintenance.
Security and Encryption: The E-Commerce Security Environment – Dimensions of ECommerce
Security. Security Threats in the E-Commerce Environment- Malicious Code,
Hacking, Credit Card Fraud, Spoofing, Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks, Sniffing.
Technology Solutions – Protecting Internet Communication, Encryption, Securing
Channels of Communication, Secure Sockets layer (SSL), Protecting Networks –
Firewalls and Proxy Server, Protecting Servers and Clients.
E-Commerce Payment Systems: Digital Wallets, Digital Cash, On line Stored Value
Systems, Digital
Accumulating Balance Payment Systems, Digital Credit Card Payment Systems, Digital
Cheque Payment Systems.
E-Commerce and India – Overview of E-Commerce in India.
ITOL-318: Laboratory(ITOL-311)
ITOL-319: Laboratory(ITOL-312+ ITOL-313)

1 comment:

  1. Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) a three year undergraduate course. BCA is one of the popular course among IT students deals with computer...If anybody want to know more about bca distance education. please visit this link bca distance education
