Saturday, 3 May 2014

Distance Learning Open Learning BCA Syllabus

Distance Learning Syllabus for BCA Course in some of the Universities offering Open and Distance learning covers the following papers

Paper 1 - Communicative English
Unit 1  Evolution of Language --Origin of language, History of language from beginning to modern time
Unit 2 Sentences--Meaning, Parts, Components, Types of sentences with usage.
Unit 3 Active & Passive Voice--What is active voice, Passive voice, Examples of Active voice, Examples of Passive voice
Unit 4 Direct and Indirect Speech—Direct Speech, Indirect Speech, Examples, Various aspects of direct to indirect speech
Unit 5 Concepts of Vocabulary Building-- Parts of speech, Word formation, Gaining precision in the use of words, same word used in different parts of speech, Homonyms
Unit 6 Simple Rule for Pronunciation & Intonation.-- Word Stress, Vowels, Linking, Intonation, Schwa.
Unit 7 Parts of Speech -- Nouns- types of nouns, examples of nouns; Pronouns-types, examples; Adjectives- functions of adjectives, kinds of adjectives; Degree, formation of three degrees
Unit 8 Verbs& Adverbs-- Definition of verb, Adverb; Types of verbs, Adverbs; Examples of different types of verbs, adverbs
Unit 9 Prepositions--Nature, Types; Conjunctions- nature, types, expressions, connectives
Unit 10 Articles--Different Articles and their usage; Interjections-meaning, examples
Unit 11 Tenses-I --Tenses & Degree of Comparison
Unit 12 Tenses-II --Active-Passive
Unit 13 Reading Comprehension --Reading strategies, How to do reading comprehension
Unit 14 Vocabulary Usage --Dictionary usage, Thesaurus usage
Unit 15  Vocabulary for Different Situations
Vocabulary for Official correspondence, Vocabulary for Presentation

Paper 2 - NA

Paper 3 - Fundamentals of Information Technology
1.  Computer Basics and Data Representation
     Simple Model of Computer, Characteristics of Computer, Problem Solving Using Computers, Representation of Characters in Computers, Integers, Fractions, Hexadecimal Representation of Numbers, Decimal to Binary Conversion.

2.  Input/Output Units and Computer Memory
     Description of Computer Input Units, Other Input Methods, Computer Output Units, Memory Cell, Organization, ROM, Serial Access Memory, Physical Devices Used to Construct Memories, Magnetic Hard Disk, Floppy Disk Drivers, CDROM, Magnetic Tape Driver.

3.  Processor and Binary Arithmetic
     Structure of Instruction, Description of Processor, A Machine Language Program, An Algorithms to Simulate the Hypothetical Computer, Binary Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Signed Numbers, 2’ Complement Representation Numbers, Addition/Subtraction of 2’ Floating-point Representation of Numbers.

4.  Computer Language and Operating System
     Why Programming Language?, Assembly Language, Higher Level Programming, Compiling High Level Language Programme, Some High Level Program Languages, Need for Operating System, Batch OS, Multiprogramming OS, Time Sharing OS, Personal Computer OS, Unix OS, Micro Kernel Based OS, On-Line and Real Time System.

5.  Computer Generation and Classification
     First, Second, Third, Fourth Generation of Computer, Moore’s Law, Classification of Computers, Distributed Computer System, Parallel Computers.

6.  File Organization
     Concept of file. File organization and Accessing Techniques-Indexed, Line sequential, Hashed.
            File Handling Functions: Sorting Merging, Indexing, Updating.

Paper 4 - Introduction to Computer Mathematics
Algorithm: Algorithms, merits and demerits, Exponentiation, How to compute fast exponentiation. Linear Search, Binary Search, ‘Big Oh’ notation. Worst case, Advantage of logarithmic algorithms over linear algorithms, complexity.

Graph Theory: Graphs, Types of graphs, degree of vertex, sub graph, isomorphic and homeomorphic graphs, Adjacent and incidence matrices, Path circuit: Eulerian, Hamiltonian path circuit.

Tree: Tree, Minimum distance trees, Minimum weight and Minimum distance spanning trees.

Recursion: Merge sort, Insertion sort, Bubble sort, and Decimal to Binary. Recurrence Relations: LHRR, LHRRWCCs, DCRR. Recursive procedures.

Number Theory: GCD, Euclidean algorithm, Fibonacci numbers, congruences and equivalence relations, public key encryption schemes.
Paper 7 - Computer Organization

Unit 1
Functional units of a computer, basic operational concepts, bus structure.
Addressing Methods: Memory locations and addresses, instructions and instruction sequencing, instruction execution.

Unit 2
Central Processing Unit: General register organization, stack organization, instruction formats, instruction classifications, addressing modes.

Unit 3
Main Memory: Organization of RAM and ROM, auxiliary memory, cache memory, virtual memory, memory mapping techniques.

Unit 4
Parallel Computer Structures: Introduction to parallel processing, pipeline computers, array processors, multiprocessing systems.
Architectural Classification Scheme: SISD, SIMD, MISD, MIMD.

Unit- 5
Pipelining and Vector Processing: Introduction to pipelining, instruction and arithmetic pipelines (design), vector processing.

Paper 8 - System Analysis and Design

Introduction to System Concepts
Introduction to System, Characteristics, Elements of System, Types of System, Categories of Information System.

General Phases of System Development Life Cycle
SDLC, Waterfall Model, Prototyping Model, Spiral Model and 4GT, System Analysis.

Requirement and Structured Analysis
Feasibility Study, Fact-finding Techniques, Decision Tree and Decision Table, Pseudocode, Structured English, DFD.

Database Design and Documentation Techniques
ERD, System Flow Charts, Functional Decomposition Diagram, Structured Flow Charts.
User Interface Design
Interface, Design Dialogue, Strategies, Screen Management.

Paper – 15 Statistical Methods and Linear Programming


Paper 18 - Software Engineering 

Unit 1
Software and Software Engineering: Phases in software development, software development process models, role of management in software development, role of matrices and measurement, role of software requirements specification, problem analysis, requirement specification, validation, matrices, monitoring and control.

Unit 2
Planning a Software Project: Cost estimation, project scheduling, staffing and personnel planning, Team structure, software configuration management, quality assurance plans, project monitoring plans, risk management.

Unit 3
System Design Objectives: Abstraction, OO analysis and OO design, classes and objects, relationships among objects, inheritance and polymorphism, design concepts. Design methodology-dynamic modeling, Functional modeling, defining internal classes and operations, matrices.

Unit 4
Detailed Design: PDL, logic/algorithm design, state modeling of classes, verification, matrices, coding-programming practice, top-down and bottom-up, structured programming, information hiding, programming style, internal documentation. Verification- code reading, static analysis, symbolic execution, code inspections or reviews. Metrics- size measures, complexity metrics, style metrics.

Unit- 5
Testing: Testing fundamentals, functional testing, structural testing, testing process, comparison of different verification and validation techniques, metrics- reliability estimation, monitoring and control.

Paper 19 - Java Programming
Section - A
Introduction to Java: Features of Java, Difference between Java and C++, Data Types, Variables, Arrays, Operators-Arithmetic, Bitwise, Relational, Boolean, Various Control Statements.

Introduction to Classes: Class Fundamentals, Declaring Objects, Methods, Constructors, Garbage Collection, Passing Parameters to Methods, Recursion, Access Control, Static, Final and Finally Method, Array, One Dimensional Array, Two Dimensional Array Multidimensional, Function, Functions Overloading.

Inheritance, Super, Multilevel Hierarchy, Abstract Methods and Classes, Packages and Interfaces, Importing Packages, Exception Handling, Exception Types, Try, Catch, Finally, Throw and Throws, Creating Exception Subclasses, Multithread Programming, Thread Priorities, Synchronization, Messaging, Creating Multiplethreads, Interthread Communication.

Input/Output, Streams, Reading and Writing Console Input/Output, Reading and Writing Files, Applet Fundamentals. Networking, Socket Overview, Client/Server, Reserved Sockets, Proxy Server, Internet Addressing, Java and the Net, TCP/IP Sockets, An Introduction to AWT, GUI Graphics, Fonts, Colours.

Paper 22 - Computer Oriented Numerical Methods

Unit 1 Introduction to Numerical Computing, Computers and Computer concepts.

Unit 2 Computer Codes and Arithmetic.

Unit 3 Approximations and Errors in Computing.

Unit 4 Floating Point Computation, Polynomial Interpolation.

Unit 5 Numerical Differential and Integration Ordinary Differential Equations.

Unit 6 Systems of Linear Equations, Root Finding, Curve Fitting.

Paper 23 - Theory of Computation

Section A
Mealy, Moore Machine, Conversion of Moore Machine to Mealy machine and vice-versa, Equivalence of NFA and DFA, Minimization of Finite Automata.
Section B
Regular Expression, Removal of Mores, Arden's Theorem, Construction of Finite Automat Equivalent of Regular Expression, Equivalence of Two Finite Automata, Pumping Lemma or Regular Languages, Closure Properties of Regular Language.                                                 
Section C
Ambiguity in CFG, Construction of Reduced Grammars, Elimination of NULL and Unit Production, CNF, GNF, Pumping Lemma for CFL, Properties of CFL, Construction of Push-Dow Automata.
Section D
Turing Machine Model, Construction of Turing Machines, Multitape - TM, Multi-track TM, Multihead TM. Posty Correspondence Problem, Turing Machine Halting Problem.

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