Tuesday 26 March 2013

Data Center Jobs

Data Center Jobs
 The Data centers today have emerged out as one of the most sought after job destinations. As a matter of fact it is believed that in the coming time number of professionals such as network specialists will be required to work in the data centers. Many hosting and data centers companies have come up now in India and a lot of engineering students are joining them. The advantage working with data center companies is that the job is not monotonous and the companies provide innovative work environment to the employees.
Some Facts about data Centers
They offer Managed Hosting which means all the server related tasks are taken care of by support technicians in the data center.
Global Load balancing:  A network of interconnected servers at different geographical locations to run a single website. This technology equally distributes the massive traffic on a particular website among all the servers
Content delivery Network: An interconnected system of computers on the internet that provides web content to number of users on multiple servers and directing the content to users based on proximity of their location to the server location.
Server Co location: A person may decide to purchase a server of a required configuration, but at the same time he would also like to keep it in a data center to make sure that there is 24x7 availability of power and network connectivity. In such cases the customer’s server is located at the data center facility using the data center’s resources such as a secured cage or cabinet, regulated power, dedicated internet connection, security and support
Server mirroring: An exact replica of the server, it runs in sync with the original server. All the information on the original server is saved on the mirror server at the same time.
Reference – Careergraph by The Telegraph

Saturday 2 March 2013

Detailed Syllabus - Introduction to Media and Culture

Introduction to Media and Culture

Unit I - Mass Media in Indian Society
Nature of Indian Society, Mass Media Influence, Media Group Influences, Types of Groups, Functions of Mass Media, Symbolic Function of Mass Media, Using the Media

Unit II: Media and Culture
Introduction, Definition of Culture, Mass Communication and Culture, Media as Cultural Reflectors, Globalization, Audience Fragmentation, Mass Society

Unit III: Media Reflections
Introduction, Media Reflections, Media Influence, Media and the Indian family, Media and Consumerism, Media and Violence, Children and the Media, Children and the Indian Mass Media, Women in the Mass Media

Unit IV Mass Media Effects
Introduction, Features of Mass Media, Media Content, The Audience and Social Structure, Opinion Formation, Socialization Effects of the Media, Mass Media Effects

Unit V Media Literacy & Appreciation
Media Literacy, Media Education, Media Criticism, Importance, purpose and exposure to Media objectivity, appreciation and evaluation of Media Content.

Unit VI Printing
A brief history of printing, printing technology, Color printing

Unit VII Radio & Television
Ownership of radio and television stations, station organization, ownership pattern in cable television, cable system, organizational structure, ancillary businesses in broadcasting, future of the network.

Unit VIII Films
The audience for films, types of films, cinema theatres and cinematograph, film censorship, assessors and regional centres, electronic newspaper.

Unit IX Advertising & Public Relations
Advertising: objectives, campaigns, agency and budget, advertising media, media planning and
Scheduling, advertising effectiveness, Regulations of advertising in India, nature and scope of public relations, house journals, corporate communication,
Professional organizations in public relations